nettoyer à l"éponge - translation to Αγγλικά
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nettoyer à l"éponge - translation to Αγγλικά

L A L A; L. A. L. A.; L.A. L.A.

nettoyer à l'éponge      


·add. ·noun An elevated road; as, to ride on the L.
II. L ·- As a numeral, L stands for fifty in the English, as in the Latin language.
III. L ·noun A short right-angled pipe fitting, used in connecting two pipes at right angles.
IV. L ·add. ·adj Having the general shape of the (capital) letter L; as, an L beam, or L-beam.
V. L ·add. ·adj Elevated;
- a symbol for el. as an abbreviation of elevated in elevated road or railroad.
VI. L ·noun An extension at right angles to the length of a main building, giving to the ground plan a form resembling the letter L; sometimes less properly applied to a narrower, or lower, extension in the direction of the length of the main building; a wing.
VII. L ·- L is the twelfth letter of the English alphabet, and a vocal consonant. It is usually called a semivowel or liquid. Its form and value are from the Greek, through the Latin, the form of the Greek letter being from the Phoenician, and the ultimate origin prob. Egyptian. Etymologically, it is most closely related to r and u; as in pilgrim, peregrine, couch (·Fr. collocare), aubura (·Fr. ·Lat. alburnus).


L.A. L.A. (album)

L.A. L.A. is a compilation album of the best of the music recorded by Stiv Bators at the Bomp! Records studios (other than his 1980 LP, Disconnected) before and after his involvement with the Lords of the New Church when he was attempting to reinvent himself as a pop singer. The title track about Los Angeles was a 10" single.